Below is a brief summary of the model architecture and the key findings. For a more detailed summary, including more data and a downloadable software implementation, please visit here. To read the original paper, click on the title above.
We present an image quality metric based on the transformations associated with the early visual system: local luminance subtraction and local contrast gain control. Images are first decomposed using a Laplacian pyramid, which subtracts a local estimate of the mean luminance at multiple scales. Each pyramid coefficient is then divided by a local estimate of amplitude (weighted sum of absolute values). The quality of the distorted image, relative to its undistorted original, is the root mean squared error in this "normalized Laplacian" domain. The weights are optimized to estimate local amplitude using (undistorted) images from a separated database. We show that both luminance and contrast stages lead to significant reductions in redundancy, relative to the original image pixels. We also show that the resulting quality metric provides a better account of human perceptual judgements than either MS-SSIM or a recently-published gain-control metric based on oriented filters.